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觀世音菩薩(梵文為Avalokitesvara),指「觀察世間聲音」的菩薩 。 在《妙法蓮華經》中的《觀世音菩薩普門品》:「若有無量百千萬億眾生,受諸苦惱,聞是觀世音菩薩,一心稱名,觀世音菩薩即時觀其音聲,皆得解脫」。



觀世音菩薩的悲心廣大,世間眾生遭遇災難不祥,若一心稱念觀世音菩薩名號,菩薩觀照無遺,即時尋聲赴感,使之離苦得樂 。因觀世音菩薩以救苦救難為己任,且與我們娑婆世界的眾生最為投緣,故在民間影響深遠。

Guan Yin originated as the Avalokitesvara.  In Taoist, we believed in her has the magical power to transform the body into any form required to relieve suffering.

According to sutras, Avalokitesvara incarnated herself in the Princess Miao Shan, a daughter of a cruel king wanted her to marry a wealthy but uncaring man. She disobeys his command by pointing the marriage couldn’t ease misfortunes of suffering from aging, illness, and death as her wishes. She rather spends her life in what she believes in than marry to a powerful and wealthy man. The king was furious, and she is expelled. Years later, as her dedication to helping people, Taoist believe her gaining the power of healing. In the end, despite the king was cruel to her, she sacrifices herself to heal her father from the severe illness.

    Not only Taoism but also Buddhism depicted Guanyin can free all sentient being from samsara and reincarnation. Despite strenuous effort, she realized that still many unhappy beings were yet to be saved. After struggling to comprehend the needs of so many, her head split into eleven pieces. This enables her to hear the cries of the suffering, and she can reach out to all those who are in need.








There are three important dates for Guanyin worship: February 19th, June 19th, and September 19th. (Lunar Calender)

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