Marshal of the Central Altar
李哪吒,殷商末年陳塘關人,其父李靖,母親殷氏。因上有兄長,大太子金吒,二太子木吒,故稱「三太子」。三太子的傳說始於封神演義,描述其母懷孕三年六個月,生下一個肉球。李靖以為是妖怪,就用劍劈開,遂發現一個嬰孩。爾後拜太乙真人為師。年幼時,曾與東還龍王的三太子起衝突,將其打死。後知犯下大錯,割肉還母、剔骨還父。母親殷氏為助哪吒復活,便建哪吒廟使其受人間香火,無奈未成,後太乙真人用蓮花與蓮藕給哪吒造了一個新的肉體。復活的三太子, 憑著高強的武功和法寶(風火輪、乾坤圈、混天綾) 協助武王伐紂,多次立下奇功。爾後封神拜將。三太子降伏諸魔王的故事,為民間所樂道,嘉其武勇,因此被尊為通俗道教中神兵神將的統帥。後人為了仰慕祂的勇武,就尊祂為太子爺來祭祀。
Marshal of the Central Altar
Nezha is one of a protection deity in Chinese folk religion. In Taoist, we believed he was born during the Shang dynasty in a military fortress at Chentang Pass. His father was a military commander named Li Jing. Nezha's mother, Lady Yin, gave birth to a ball of flesh after being pregnant with him for three years and six months. When he was born, he was a toddler with magic power.
One day, when Nezha played with friends along the river, East Sea Dragon King demand his servants and son to capture boys and girls who played by the sea for sacrifice. Nezha was one of the targets, but he defeated them and led to death. East Sea Dragon King confronted Nezha’s family and threatened to flood Chentang Pass. To save his family and the people, Nezha committed suicide himself then carving up his flesh and dismembering his bones "returning" these to his parents in repayment (because parents gave a birth means giving you everything including your body).
After Nezha had committed suicide to return his body to his parents, he appeared in his mother's dream. In the dream, he asked her to build a temple for him, and this is the way that he can return. Till then, his soul would have a place to rest. His mother then secretly built a temple for Nezha, and this temple later flourished. This temple became very well known and because Nezha granted miracle cures to the sick and the disabled. However, Li Jing soon found out about this temple and burnt it down because he was still angry at Nezha due to troubles he had brought to the family. Although Nezha did not succeed through this path, his teacher, Taiyi Zhenren, used lotus roots to construct a human body for his soul and brought Nezha back to life. After his return, he joined the army and became a General helping King Wu of Zhou to end the dangerous era of Shang dynasty and for a start a new chapter of Zhou dynasty.
September 9th (Lunar calender)